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  • INSPIRE View Service for geographical names of municipalities or parts thereof, landscapes, mountain ranges, mountains, islands, rivers, canals, lakes, seas, etc. Data is provided for the Federal Republic of Germany. The dataset is structured according to the INSPIRE Annex I Theme - Geographical Names. The selection of the geographical names is based on the map scale 1 : 250 000 and is derived from different statistical sources, Digital Landscape Models 1 : 250 000 (DLM250) and Digital Elevation Model grid width 10 m (DGM10). This service is published under the Ordinance to Determine the Conditions for Use for the Provision of Spatial Data of the Federation (GeoNutzV) and thereof free of charge.

  • INSPIRE Direct Access Download Service for geographical names of municipalities or parts thereof, landscapes, mountain ranges, mountains, islands, rivers, canals, lakes, seas, etc. Data is provided for the Federal Republic of Germany. The dataset is structured according to the INSPIRE Annex I Theme - Geographical Names. The selection of the geographical names is based on the map scale 1:250.000 and is derived from different statistical sources, Digital Landscape Models 1:250.000 (DLM250) and Digital Elevation Model grid width 10 m (DGM10). This service is published under the Ordinance to Determine the Conditions for Use for the Provision of Spatial Data of the Federation (GeoNutzV) and thereof free of charge.

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