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  • Which salt formations are suitable for storing hydrogen or compressed air? In the InSpEE-DS research project, scientists developed requirements and criteria for the assessment of suitable sites even if their exploration is still at an early stage and there is little knowledge of the salinaries’ structures. Scientists at DEEP.KBB GmbH in Hanover, worked together with their project partners at BGR and the Leibniz University Hanover, Institute for Geotechnics, to develop the planning basis for the site selection and for the construction of storage caverns in flat layered salt and multiple or double saliniferous formations. Such caverns could store renewable energy in the form of hydrogen or compressed air. While the previous project InSpEE was limited to salt formations of great thickness in Northern Germany, salt horizons of different ages have now been examined all over Germany. To estimate the potential, depth contour maps of the top and the base as well as thickness maps of the respective stratigraphic units were developed. Due to the present INSPIRE geological data model, it was necessary, in contrast to the original dataset, to classify the boundary lines of the potential storage areas in the Zechstein base and thickness layers, whereby the classification of these lines was taken from the top Zechstein layer. Consequently, the boundary element Depth criterion 2000 m (Teufe-Kriterium 2000 m) corresponds on each level to the 2000 m depth of Top Zechstein. However, the boundary of national borders and the boundary of the data basis could not be implemented in the data model and are therefore not included in the dataset. Information on compressed air and hydrogen storage potential is given for the identified areas and for the individual federal states. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the content of InSpEE-DS (INSPIRE) is stored in 18 INSPIRE-compliant GML files: InSpEE_DS_GeologicUnit_Isopachs_Zechstein.gml contains the Zechstein isopachs. InSpEE_DS_GeologicUnit_Isobaths_Top_Zechstein.gml and InSpEE_DS_GeologicUnit_Isobaths_Basis_Zechstein.gml contain the isobaths of the top and basis of Zechstein. The three files InSpEE_DS_GeologicStructure_ThicknessMap_Zechstein, InSpEE_DS_GeologicStructure_Top_Zechstein and InSpEE_DS_GeologicStructure_Basis_Zechstein represent the faults of the Zechstein body as well as at the top and at the basis of the Zechstein body. InSpEE_DS_GeologicUnit_Boundary_element_Potential_areas_Zechstein.gml contains the boundary elments of the potential areas at the top and the basis of Zechstein as well as of the Zechstein body. The three files InSpEE_DS_GeologicUnit_Uncertainty_areas_ThicknessMap_Zechstein.gml, InSpEE_DS_GeologicUnit_Uncertainty_areas_Top_Zechstein.gml, InSpEE_DS_GeologicUnit_Uncertainty_areas_Basis_Zechstein.gml represent the uncertainty areas of the Zechstein body as well as at the top and at the basis of the Zechstein body. InSpEE_DS_GeologicUnit_Potentially_usable_storage_areas_Storage_potential_in_the_federal_states.gml comprises the areas with storage potential for renewable energy in the form of hydrogen and compressed air. The six files InSpEE_DS_GeologicUnit_Salt_distribution_in_Germany_Malm.gml, InSpEE_DS_GeologicUnit_Salt_distribution_in_Germany_Keuper.gml, InSpEE_DS_GeologicUnit_Salt_distribution_in_Germany_Muschelkalk.gml, InSpEE_DS_GeologicUnit_Salt_distribution_in_Germany_Roet.gml, InSpEE_DS_GeologicUnit_Salt_distribution_in_Germany_Zechstein.gml and InSpEE_DS_GeologicUnit_Salt_distribution_in_Germany_Rotliegend.gml represent the salt distribution of the respective stratigraphic unit. InSpEE_DS_GeologicUnit_General_salt_distribution.gml represents the general salt distribution in Germany. This geographic information is product of a BMWi-funded research project "InSpEE-DS" running from the year 2015 to 2019. The acronym stands for "Information system salt: planning basis, selection criteria and estimation of the potential for the construction of salt caverns for the storage of renewable energies (hydrogen and compressed air) - double saline and flat salt layers".

  • Compilation of the European Quaternary marine geology (section of Germany). The original map consists of data at highest available spatial resolution, map scale („multi-resolution“-concept) and data completeness vary depending on the project partner (as of 2019 April). Project partners are the national geological services of the participating countries. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the geological map (section of Germany) provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The WMS EMODnet-DE Quaternary (INSPIRE) contains layers of the geologic units (GE.GeologicUnit) displayed correspondingly to the INSPIRE portrayal rules. The geologic units are represented graphically by stratigraphy (GE.GeologicUnit.AgeOfRocks) and lithology (GE.GeologicUnit.Lithology). The portrayal of the lithology is defined by the first named rock. Via the getFeatureInfo request the user obtains detailed information on the lithology, stratigraphy (age) and genesis (event environment and event process).

  • The WMS GBL (INSPIRE) represents mechanically drilled boreholes approved by the State Geological Surveys of Germany (SGS). Most of the drilling data were not collected by the SGS, but were transmitted to the SGS by third parties in accordance with legal requirements. Therefore, the SGS can accept no responsibility for the accuracy of the information. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the map provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The WMS GBL (INSPIRE) contains a layer of the boreholes (GE.borehole) displayed correspondingly to the INSPIRE portrayal rules. The boreholes are represented graphically by the borehole purpose. Via the getFeatureInfo request the user obtains detailed information on the boreholes.

  • INSPIRE Direct Access Download Service for geographical names of municipalities or parts thereof, landscapes, mountain ranges, mountains, islands, rivers, canals, lakes, seas, etc. Data is provided for the Federal Republic of Germany. The dataset is structured according to the INSPIRE Annex I Theme - Geographical Names. The selection of the geographical names is based on the map scale 1:250.000 and is derived from different statistical sources, Digital Landscape Models 1:250.000 (DLM250) and Digital Elevation Model grid width 10 m (DGM10). This service is published under the Ordinance to Determine the Conditions for Use for the Provision of Spatial Data of the Federation (GeoNutzV) and thereof free of charge.

  • Downloaddienst (ATOM-Feed) mit den geschützten Landschaftsbestandteilen im Landkreis Nienburg/Weser Geschützte Landschaftsbestandteile sind Flächen im Landkreis Nienburg die sich im Außenbereich befinden und keiner wirtschaftlichen Nutzung unterliegen (Ödland) oder deren Standorteigenschaften bisher wenig verändert worden sind (sonstige naturnahe Flächen).

  • INSPIRE View Service for CORINE Land Cover – 5ha. This service provides from CORINE Land Cover 5ha (CLC5) transformed datasets for the INSPIRE theme Land Cover. The data provided through this service covers the area of Germany.

  • INSPIRE View Service for geographical names of municipalities or parts thereof, landscapes, mountain ranges, mountains, islands, rivers, canals, lakes, seas, etc. Data is provided for the Federal Republic of Germany. The dataset is structured according to the INSPIRE Annex I Theme - Geographical Names. The selection of the geographical names is based on the map scale 1 : 250 000 and is derived from different statistical sources, Digital Landscape Models 1 : 250 000 (DLM250) and Digital Elevation Model grid width 10 m (DGM10). This service is published under the Ordinance to Determine the Conditions for Use for the Provision of Spatial Data of the Federation (GeoNutzV) and thereof free of charge.

  • INSPIRE Download Service for Digital Terrain Model Grid Width 200 m (DGM200). The Digital Terrain Model DGM200 describes the terrain forms of the earth’s surface by means of a point quantity arranged in a regular grid, which is georeferenced to planimetry and altimetry. The grid width is 200 m. The data provided through this service covers the area of Germany. Scale: 1:200000 ; Erläuterung zum Fachbezug: WCS Service

  • INSPIRE View Service for Digital Terrain Model Grid Width 200 m (DGM200). The Digital Terrain Model DGM200 describes the terrain forms of the earth’s surface by means of a point quantity arranged in a regular grid, which is georeferenced to planimetry and altimetry. The grid width is 200 m. The data provided through this service covers the area of Germany. Ground resolution: 200m

  • INSPIRE Direct Access Download Service for Statistical Units ATKIS-DLM250. Statistical units of Germany, derived from the german digital landscape model at scale 1:250000. Mapped via EuroBoundaryMap to satisfy INSPIRE conformance. This service is published under the Ordinance to Determine the Conditions for Use for the Provision of Spatial Data of the Federation (GeoNutzV) and thereof free of charge.

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